Welcome to the MOUKOKAIKAN

Welcome to the MOUKOKAIKAN

It is with great excitement that we welcome you to the opening of the MOUKO KAI KARATE AUSTRALIA - MOUKOKAIKAN


The last few years have not been easy to lead and navigate through, for Sensei Rob James.

From medical discrimination and segregation during Covid to the death of his father in the early part of 2023, it has all been a learning experience that has tested his leadership mettle.

Although it has been a very trying time for all of us, we have managed to do more than just exist, we have continued to move forward with a positive mindset and a better hope for what the future will bring.

Although the art that we teach is nothing new, our point of difference is that we are guided by our own values, principles and standards and we are doing exactly what Sensei Rob's mentor asked him to do and that now forms part of our mission and vision statements.

Encourage and maintain high technical standards, understanding the reasons behind why we do what we do and build a supportive culture of self-discipline and self-esteem and strength in mind and body.

We know we are on the right path, and this is a vision we can all align with.

We hope you enjoy watching and staying up to date with our progress and we look forward to bringing you more updates as we continue to grow and consolidate our dojo.



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