MOUKOKAIKAN Board Member - Dan Battye - Mouko Dojo

MOUKOKAIKAN Board Member - Dan Battye - Mouko Dojo

I am excited to announce that Dan Battye JP (Qual) has accepted an offer to be a part of the MOUKO KAI KARATE AUSTRALIA Committee.

Dan and I spoke about it at great length quite some time ago and I was excited when he didn't hesitate to throw his support behind what I am trying to create and build.
It's only now that I have found the time to sit down and make it official.

The role of the MOUKO KAI KARATE AUSTRALIA Committee is simple.
To help keep me accountable and to offer advice and support when making decisions on who should be promoted and when as our black belts start to progress through the ranks of MOUKO KAI KARATE.

I have known Dan for a number of years and his attention to the finest detail is what makes him stand out from the crowd.
I have often reached out to Dan when I have been stuck working on my online business, not knowing how to do something and he has always helped me solve my problems with what seems to be, the greatest of ease.

An absolute professional in every sense of the word and it's an honour to have Dan working as part of the MOUKO KAI KARATE Team.

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